Positively Pink


"Sometimes we hate what we can not change – but if together we can learn to embrace it as gently as we would a friend’s heart, it will become a healing step in our life’s dance."

Positively Pink Oxford is the breast cancer support group based in Cumnor, run by people who have ‘been there, done that, got the T‑shirt!’ 

The group is especially for those who have been visited by breast cancer, whether recently or some time ago. We believe that people should be as informed as possible about all aspects of living with cancer, in order that they can be active participants in their own care and recovery. They should also be supported in finding ways to live life well and fully, without being defined by cancer. Recognising and celebrating the amazing beauty and richness of who we are, is a key factor in our healing.

Please look at our News & Events page for upcoming meetings, talks, film shows and reports of Positively Pink activities.

Last update: 25 February 2024